IB - International Baccalaureate



Assessment at Struer Statsgymnasium
(Diploma Programme assessment – Principles and practice)

Assessment of the DP is high-stakes, criterion-related performance assessment. It is based on the following aims, which are elaborated in the remainder of this section.

  • DP assessment should support the curricular and philosophical goals of the programme, through the encouragement of good classroom practice and appropriate student learning.
  • The published results of DP assessment (that is, subject grades) must have a sufficiently high level of reliability, appropriate to a high-stakes university entrance qualification.
  • DP assessment must reflect the international-mindedness of the programme wherever possible, must avoid cultural bias, and must make appropriate allowance for students working in their second language.
  • DP assessment must pay appropriate attention to the higher-order cognitive skills (synthesis, reflection, evaluation, critical thinking) as well as the more fundamental cognitive skills (knowledge, understanding and application).
  • Assessment for each subject must include a suitable range of tasks and instruments/components that ensure all objectives for the subject are assessed.
  • The principal means of assessing student achievement and determining subject grades should be the professional judgment of [the subject teacher].


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