IB - International Baccalaureate

Language policy

With this language policy we would like to outline how we can help our pre-IB and IB students achieve individual and common language goals at Struer Statsgymnasium. We believe that language awareness is basic for intercultural understanding and respect.


Diversity. We are aware of and value our students’ language and cultural diversity. Students from the same language background are welcome to speak their own language outside of the classroom where all members of the group share the language. In all other situations, the language of communication must be English.

Language of instruction. The language of instruction is English in all classes except for the Danish classes. Where possible in language classes (Spanish and German) the instruction language may also be the target language (supplemented by English when necessary).  We therefore recognize that all teachers are, in practice not only subject teachers, but also language teachers.

English in the classroom. We always speak English in the classrooms. We also encourage students to speak English outside the classroom and in the breaks. Students may speak their mother tongue outside school, unless they are together with others who do not understand that language. We never use language to exclude others.

First language. All students study their first language. We offer classes in Danish A Literature and English A Language and Literature. Other languages can be studied as self-taught and with the help of a supervisor. 

Language A Literature self-taught. The self-taught supervisor is a Language A teacher and can therefore guide students competently in the syllabus outlined in the subject guide. The school can help the students to establish contact with other IB students and teachers of the language in question.

Self-taught students participate in the written mock exams. The school provides a small library for languages other than Danish and English.

Second language. All students learn at least one language in addition to their mother tongue. The school offers several languages ranging from ab initio to higher level languages. Current options in group 2 include English B HL, Danish B HL, Spanish a.i. SL, German SL.

Danish as a second language. The school facilitates Danish as a second language classes by finding qualified teachers for interested students. There is ample opportunity of interacting and communicating with Danish students from our other lines of education on activity days, introduction days, school parties, Friday cafés, CAS days, boarding school activities etc.

Morning assemblies. The main part of our morning assemblies is conducted in Danish, as we are a Danish school with an IB section. Contributions by IB students and teachers take place in English. We make sure that Danish students translate for those students who do not understand Danish. 

CAS. Students are encouraged to help each other in the languages. Thus native speakers offer language courses for small groups of learners of e.g. Danish or Spanish. Single students also help younger students with their language skills at local schools and in a programme by the Red Cross.

Library. The school library cooperates with the public library in Struer. The public library specializes in personal consultations with students and are able to help with information on EE and IA-related materials. The school’s library caters for special languages to support our Language A self-taught students.


Document prepared by: Morten Jensen
Updated: August 2018